Category: Authors

Thomas Hardy

Info Box: Born: June 2, 1840 Known for: Romantic Novels, Landscapes, Flora and fauna, Wessex, Pessimism, Fate-plots, Human Emotions Famous Books: Far from the Madding Crowd, Mayor of Casterbridge, Jude the Obscure, and Tess of d’Urbervilles Died: January 11, 1928 Literary Introduction:  Thomas Hardy is the only author who comes into our mind as soon […]

Shilpa Raj

Shilpa Raj, the author of The Elephant Chaser’s Daughter, is making it to the features these days. Her debut work is a memoir which documents her life since her childhood as well as chronicles the lives of her parents and ancestors and the problems their family (and many others like them) had to face throughout. […]

George Orwell

George Orwell was not only a novelist in the sense Chetan Bhagat is, he was more than a novelist and more than an ordinary literary personality in the fraternity of millions. He was a visionary; he was a propagandist; he was a reader; he was all the ways a writer with purpose. The works by […]

Anton Chekhov

Though a playwright out and out, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, popularly known as Anton Chekhov, is remembered the best for his short fiction. The short stories by Anton Chekhov are the landmarks in literature and the Russian originals have been translated into different languages of the world on a mass scale. He wasn’t only the writer […]