Christina Rossetti – Biography, Introduction to her Poetry & Analysis


Christina Rossetti was an English poet and writer who was born in London on December 5, 1830. She was the sister of the artist and poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti, and a member of the Rossetti family, which was known for its artistic and literary achievements. Rossetti was educated at home and began writing poetry at an early age. She published her first book of poems, “Goblin Market and Other Poems,” in 1859, and this collection became her most famous work. It was followed by several other volumes of poetry, including “The Prince’s Progress and Other Poems” (1866), “Verses” (1870), and “New Poems” (1889).

Other than being a poet, Rossetti was also a writer of children’s stories and devotional works. Other than writing, Rossetti was also involved in various charitable causes and worked as a governess and teacher for a time. Religiously, she was a devout Christian and her faith was a significant influence on her writing. Many of her poems exhibit her interminable faith in the providence of God. Rossetti was also a talented translator, and she translated works by Dante and other Italian poets into English.

Christina Rossetti was an influential figure in Victorian society, and her poetry was widely read and admired during her lifetime. She was a prominent member of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, a group of artists and writers who sought to reform art and literature by returning to what they saw as the simplicity and purity of the art of the Middle Ages.


Publications by Christina Rossetti:

  1. Goblin Market and Other Poems (1859) – This is Rossetti’s most famous work and includes some of her best-known poems, such as “Goblin Market” and “Remember.”
  2. The Prince’s Progress and Other Poems (1866) – This collection includes poems about love, loss, and faith, as well as several translations of Italian poetry.
  3. Verses (1870) – This volume includes poems on a variety of themes, including nature, love, and morality.
  4. New Poems (1889) – This collection includes some of Rossetti’s later work, including poems about her Christian faith and her feelings on death and mortality.

In addition to these collections of poetry, Rossetti also wrote several children’s stories and devotional works. Some of these include “Sing-Song: A Nursery Rhyme Book” (1872), “Speaking Likenesses” (1874), and “Devotional Poems” (1889).

Critical Commentary on style and quality of poetry by Christina Rossetti: 

Rossetti’s poetry was popular among both the general public and literary critics, and she was admired for her ability to capture the feelings and experiences of women in a society that often limited their roles and opportunities. Many of her poems, such as “Goblin Market” and “Up-Hill,” explore themes of femininity, desire, and the struggles and joys of everyday life. Her poems were marked with simplicity, lyrical beauty and appreciation of life and its various aspects.

She often explored these themes through her use of allegory and symbol, and her writing was influenced by her Christian faith. Rossetti’s poetry is also characterized by its musicality and rhythmic qualities. Many of her poems are written in traditional forms, such as sonnets and ballads, and she used rhyme and meter to create a sense of structure and unity in her work.

Another feature of Rossetti’s poetry is its use of imagery and figurative language. She was skilled at using vivid and descriptive language to create vivid mental pictures for the reader, and she often used metaphors, similes, and other literary devices to convey her meaning and emotions.

Overall, Rossetti’s poetry is known for its emotional depth and intensity, as well as its focus on themes of love, loss, and faith. It is also marked by its use of traditional poetic forms and techniques, and its rich use of imagery and figurative language.


Compiled by Abhinandan for Featured Author

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